Patent Number- GB2617627

Comfa in the news

With the New Year over, we wanted to correlate and revisit all the exciting news coverage Max and his journey have generated. We have been incredibly lucky to be featured in many different outlets, and hope to expand on this with some exciting potential features planned for the coming year. So without further ado, here are all the places you can currently see or read about us.

BBC East Midlands

ITV Central

Huffington Post

Max Palfrey was five years old when he was first diagnosed as autistic with pathological demand avoidance (PDA). At seven, he discovered he had attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), too.

The youngster, who is highly sensitive to certain materials, would come home from school and have meltdowns, desperately trying to tear his uniform from his body.”

Derby Telegraph

A newspaper article about the creation of comfa, a clothing brand that makes the Fidget-T for Neurodivergent people

“A child entrepreneur has used his own experiences of having additional needs to create a world-first range of clothing to help others facing the same sensory battles. North Derbyshire youngster Max Palfrey, together with his dad, Matt, has set up his own business – Comfa – which launches this week with the release of three t-shirts.”

Derbyshire Times

“The t-shirts are made from a super-soft material and have Pop-Its – popular fidget toys often used by neurodivergent people to help them sooth and self-regulate – in the seams. Called the Fidget-T, the t-shirts feature unique Pop-Its sewn into the seams, where the arms naturally fall, so it can be used as a calming technique without it being obvious.”


Before starting the business, Max and his family started carrying out market research with other families of neurodivergent children around the world and were overwhelmed with the response.”

Written by: Matt Palfrey

Published on: 8 January 2024

Categories: Uncategorised

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